Hilary Duff Music Info Part 17

A: Yes, she's adamant about not being associated with them again.
2. Does it look like she'll have much control on her next album?
A: Hollywood Records is definitely taking a big step back in, & this seems to have caused a rift on when Hilary will start working on her album. It keeps getting pushed back & as of now, there is no set recording time for what HR wants. Hilary, on the other hand, is still writing for the album.
3. Have any musicians contacted her on working with her as of late?
A: There's been a lot of producers & a couple of rappers here & there that have shown interest, but so far, no actual singers, for this album. Most artists don't even know she's starting a new one.
4. Will they release any new singles anytime soon?
A: From Hilary, nothing is planned at this time, they were thinking of doing a summer single to be released in May or June, but like most other projects "in the making" with HR, it'll most likely be canceled.
5. Hilary's been approached by other better labels recently, any idea on why she won't make the jump?
A: I can't get into specifics about why she won't & I don't even know for sure, but I can tell you that Hilary was looking into new labels very recently. She's already gotten offers from two (one, during early production of "Dignity" & the other earlier this year). She may or may not make a jump soon.